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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago



The S&P 500

The S&P 500 is an important division of the stock market that is composed of the top 500 companies chosen by Standard & Poor's Index Committee. The stocks of these companies are managed by S&P. The index is useful to inverstors because it diversifies their portfolios and benifits them greatly because the index is the most presigous and reputable. Also, "investors around the world consider the S&P 500 to be the standard representative of the U.S. market," leading many investors to chose the S&P over others.





The Supply Curve.ppt 

Occupational Outlook.ppt


3355 Silver Palm Drive • Jacksonville, Fl • 32250
Phone 1-904-382-6214 • E-mail tfrohwein@comcast.net
Tiffany Frohwein
To contribute to the medical industry through research and medical work.
Summary of qualifications
March, 2007- Present                                                 Form + Space, Inc.                       
Office Assistant
n     Portfolio assembly, faxes, organization, research.
Work experience
September, 2006- Present               Commercial Construction Group, Inc.                       
Office Assistant
n     Filing, faxing, organization.
2006-2010         Robert E. Lee High School                       Jacksonville, Fl
Math / Science
n     Early College/ Dual Enrollment student at FCCJ.
Community activities
§         Community service at Atlantic Beach Elementary.
§         Hope VanNortwick (904-535-0270)
§         Karen Ritchie (904-241-1156)
§         Nancy Oakley (904-241-2519)
Interests and activities
§         Travel
§         Physical Activity
§         Drawing, painting, sculpting.
Volunteer experience
§         2006 VSA Arts Festival Volunteer.
Awards received
§         2006-2007- Certificate of Achievement in recognition of outstanding performance of reading presented by Robert E. Lee High School.
§         2006-2007- Certificate of Achievement in recognition of achievement on the FCAT (level 5, outstanding performance) by Jeanine Blomberg, Commissioner.
§         2005-2006- Certificate of Academic Achievement presented by LaVilla, School of the Arts.
§         2005-2006- Certificate of Recognition for a perfect FCAT writing score presented by LaVilla, School of the Arts.
§         April 24, 2006- Eighth Grade Scholar Award presented by Duval County Public Schools and the University of North Florida for maintaining a 3.5 or better GPA throughout middle school.
§         March 26, 2004 and January 7, 2005- All A’s Honor Roll presented by Mayport Middle School.
§         May 21, 2004- Outstanding Achievement in Art award presented by Mayport Middle School.
§         Running, walking, bike riding.
§         Surfing, fishing, boating.

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